Cmoore11’s Blog

February 25, 2009, 10:26 am
Filed under: Nicola's Page..., Uncategorized

12 Degrees, an ethical fashion 'pop-up shop' in London Photograph: PR

12 Degrees, an ethical fashion 'pop-up shop' in London Photograph: PR


After browsing Google for most of the evening, I came across this article about the launch of 12 pop up (temporary) shops that showcase the best of ETHICAL FASHION. This initiative has been created by 12 DEGREE’S who’s aim is to reinvent fashion retail as we know it and make us crave sustainable denim, real cashmere that reinstates sustainable luxury and pieces designed to last a lifetime!So how does it all work?? Each pop-up shop stays for one month and hosts a series of events such as masterclasses in getting the right fit in organic denim, workshops on how to extend the lifespan of your favourite items and how to sew using pineapple and silk moth fibres?!? At the moment the home of 12 Degree’s remains in the UK using the store Eco Age in Chiswick (which specialises in sustainable design)

The minds behind 12 DEGREE’S have expressed their concerns about what the current state of the economy will do to up and coming independent ethical brands. They believe there are 3 schools of thought in relation to fashion during recession: 1) Everyone will flee to Primark and other such retailers! 2) Consumers won’t buy anything (although this seems a little unlikely!) and 3) Consumers will want pieces that will last and that they can invest in, that have been made with good quality fibres so that they can be treasured and kept.

It will come as no shock as to what school 12 DEGREE’S falls into, and it is their strong belief that ethical fashion has a lot of answers to the environmental and social justice mayhem created by cheap, fast fashion.

12 DEGREE’S creates an outlet for you to feel, touch and try on the clothes. The fashion is edgy through to beautifully feminine, made of superior fibres with a counter intuitively small footprint but definitely not sweated labour and they want YOU to see it.

Hello world!
February 21, 2009, 10:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

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